Search Results - ivan+kuzmin

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Recombinant Pan-Lyssavirus for Use in Rabies and Broad-Lyssavirus Vaccination
CDC researchers have developed recombinant lyssaviruses that can be used for the development of an improved, broad-spectrum vaccine against several rabies genotypes. Lyssaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses that cause rabies and rabies-like diseases in mammals. Currently, there are commercially available vaccines that are considered to be effective...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles Rupprecht, Ivan Kuzmin, Xianfu Wu
Keywords(s): Against, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, DB4XXX, DBXXXX, DC1XXX, DC5BXX, DC5XXX, DCXXXX, DXXXXX, PAN-LYSSAVIRUS, rabies, vaccines
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Vaccines
Isolated Lyssavirus Nucleic Acid and Protein Sequences
A novel strain in the rabies family of viruses, the Shimoni bat virus (SHIBV), has been discovered. Phylogenic and antigenic patterns identify SHIBV as a new species of Lyssavirus. Phylogenic reconstructions of SHIBV and monoclonal antibody typing were used to demonstrate a distinct genetic antigenic pattern. This unique genetic information may be used...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wanda Markotter, Charles Rupprecht, Ivan Kuzmin
Keywords(s): Acid, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DB4BXX, DB4XXX, DBXXXX, DC5BXX, DC5XXX, DCXXXX, DXXXXX, ISOLATED, Lyssavirus, Nucleic, Protein, Sequences
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Vaccines
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