Search Results - karen+erickson

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Use of Cucurbitacins and Withanolides for the Treatment of Cancer
Abstract: Certain members of the cucurbitacin and Withanolide family have been identified that can sensitize some tumor cell lines to cell death (apoptosis) on subsequent exposure of the cells to pro-apoptotic receptor agonists (PARAS) of the TRAIL "death receptors". These PARAS include TRAIL itself, and agonist antibodies to two of its receptors death...
Published: 5/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Sayers, Kirk Gustafson, Karen Erickson, Alan Brooks, Curtis Henrich, Nancy Booth
Keywords(s): cucurbitacin, Immunotherapy, mapatumamab, TRAIL, withanolide
Category(s): Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
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