Fluorogen-binding RNA Aptamers for Imaging and Analysis of RNA


This technology includes a number of RNAs that can induce strong fluorescence of otherwise non-fluorescent small molecules to be used for imaging and analysis of RNA. These RNAs have many potential applications as tags for live-cell imaging of cellular RNAs, as well as reporters for in vitro diagnostics. The "Mango" family of fluorescent RNA-fluorophore complexes has been previously reported. Work in this laboratory led to the determination of the 30, atomic structure of four different versions of Mango RNAs (Mango-I, Mango-II, Mango-Ill, Mango IV), and these structures were used by the laboratory to generate versions with greatly improved fluorescent and biochemical properties.

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For Information, Contact:
Michael Shmilovich
Senior Licensing And Patenting Manager
NIH Technology Transfer
Peter Unrau
Michael Ryckelynck
Adrian Ferre-D'Amare
Robert Trachman
Elena Dolgosheina
Sunny Chiu Yuk Jeng
Shanker Panchapakesan
Amir Abdolahzadeh
Razvan Cojocaru
Alexis Autour
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