Prazoles as Potential Broad Spectrum Anti-viral Agents


The technology described involves the use of a compound called prazole as an anti-viral agent specifically targeting HIV-1. It was found that prazole binds to a protein called Tsg101, which is crucial for the virus's life cycle. This binding disrupts the normal interaction of Tsg101 with another protein, ubiquitin, thereby inhibiting the release of HIV-1 particles from infected cells. Additionally, the interference caused by prazole leads to the degradation of the viral protein Gag within host cells. Remarkably, any viral particles that do manage to get released in the presence of the drug are rendered non-infectious, further highlighting the potential of prazole as an effective anti-HIV agent.

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For Information, Contact:
Michael Shmilovich
Senior Licensing And Patenting Manager
NIH Technology Transfer
Carol Carter
Lorna Ehrlich
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