Generation of AAVS1 and C13 “Safe Harbor” Transcription Activator-life Effector Nucleases (TALENs) for Drug Screening or Gene Therapy Development


This technology includes AAVS1 and C13 “safe harbor” transcription activator-life effector nucleases (TALENs) for drug screening or gene therapy applications. TALENs are engineered sequence-specific DNA endonucleases that can significantly enhance genome-editing efficiency by >100-1000 folds. “Safe harbor” such as AAVS1 safe harbor and C13 safe harbor is genome locus that allows robust and persistent transgene expression with no or minimal interference of endogenous gene expression and cell properties. Construction of TALEN-expression vectors that specifically target safe harbor locus will create high-efficiency and widely-applicable system to achieve precise genome engineering in human cells. Plasmids are available from Addgene:


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For Information, Contact:
Vladimir Knezevic
Senior Advisor for Commercial Evaluations
NIH Technology Transfer
Jizhong Zou
Mahendra Rao
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