Methods to Produce Very Long Chain Fatty Acids (VLCFA) for Use as Nutritional Formulas and as Therapeutics for Disease


This technology includes a new method to prepare very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA), which does not use the previously reported toxic mercury amalgam, for use as nutritional supplements, and as therapeutics for various diseases. The key coupling step involves an organocopper mediated coupling of the Grignard regent derived from the bromo alkyl tetraene with a bromoalkyl containing a protected alcohol. After the coupling the alcohol Is deprotected and oxidized to prepare the very long fatty acid. The synthetic approach is flexible and can be used to prepare the other VLCFA compounds. Similar methods are used in the chemical industry for preparation of fine chemicals and should allow the synthesis of large quantities of material.

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For Information, Contact:
Michael Shmilovich
Senior Licensing And Patenting Manager
NIH Technology Transfer
Rolf Swenson
Zhen-Dan Shi
Zhihong Yang
Alan Remaley
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