Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells with StemPro Embryonic Stem Cell Serum Free Medium for Research and Therapeutic Development


This technology involves an innovative method for differentiating neural stem cells (NSCs) into neurons, primarily for use in basic science research and in developing therapies for brain and spinal cord disorders. Existing methods for generating neurons from NSCs typically result in high efficiency but low survival rates, especially when neurons are dissociated and regrown. This new method utilizes Life Technologies StemPro embryonic stem cell serum-free medium, which significantly enhances differentiation efficiency into neurons with minimal cell death. A notable aspect of this technology is the high viability of neurons even after being frozen, thawed, and regrown. The technology stands out from previous neuronal differentiation protocols by enabling efficient neuron derivation with high viability, both at the time of generation and after being stored as frozen cells. This advancement has the potential to significantly aid in understanding neuronal development mechanisms and could be instrumental in large-scale neuron generation for clinical applications in cellular replacement therapies targeting the brain and spinal cord.

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For Information, Contact:
Vladimir Knezevic
Senior Advisor for Commercial Evaluations
NIH Technology Transfer
Nasir Malik
Mahendra Rao
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