Novel Methods for Using Biomarkers to Monitor Glucose Levels and Screen for Diabetes Risk

A primary goal of diabetes therapy is to improve control of blood glucose levels (known as glycemic control) in patients. Prospective studies of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes indicate that careful glycemic control significantly reduces the risk of microvascular, neurological, and cardiovascular complications of diabetes. The current method of monitoring glycemic control involves measuring levels of the intracellular hemoglobin (HbA1C). However, levels of HbA1C reflect glycemic control over a timeframe of several months and are susceptible to a variety of perturbing factors such as hematologic disorders, kidney disease, aspirin or penicillin use, or alcohol intake.

This technology describes a family of novel glycated peptide and protein biomarkers for glycemic control, as well as a method to monitor glycemic control in diabetic patients. In contrast to intracellular HbA1C, this technology detects glycated plasma proteins, which may reflect changes in glycemic control more rapidly and with more sensitivity. A diagnostic test developed using this technology could be envisioned to supplement or replace current HbA1C-based glycemic monitoring and screen individuals for risk of diabetes.
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For Information, Contact:
Vidita Choudhry
Technology Development Specialist
NIH Technology Transfer
Perry Blackshear
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