Search Results - nanoparticulate

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Novel Multivalent Nanoparticle Vaccines
Current seasonal influenza vaccines are designed to elicit immunity to circulating strains of influenza each year. The targeted strains are selected based on predictions of which strains are likely to be predominant in the human population for a given year. This prediction must be made well ahead of the influenza season to allow time for vaccine production...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Masaru Kanekiyo, Hadi Yassine, Barney Graham
Keywords(s): ARRAY, Broader, DOMAINS, HEMAGGLUTININ, INFLUENZA, Listed LPM Thalhammer-Reyero as of 4/15/2015, MOSAIC, Nanoparticulate, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Receptor-Binding, Receptor-bindingdomains, Spectrum, Vaccine
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Metallic Nanoparticles for Photothermal Therapy
The invention relates to the preparation and application of 20-150nm metallic nanoparticulate vesicles for photothermal anti-cancer therapy. The vesicles comprise metallic nanoparticles covalently bound to a hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer. The preparation method generally entails dispersing a polymer-bound metallic nanoparticle in an organic...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jibin Song, Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen
Keywords(s): CB7XXX, Nanoparticle, Nanoparticle-Based, Nanoparticles, Nanoparticulate, phototherapy, Photothermal, Photothermal/Photodynamic, PXXXXX, XGXXXX, YBXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Consumer Products, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
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