Use of a Modified Adaptor Molecule LAT to Improve Immunotherapy for Cancer and Other Diseases



One problem with the development of immunotherapy for cancer or other diseases is the inability to stimulate a sufficient immune response in patients to tumor associated antigens. The Linker Adapted for T Cell Signaling molecule (LAT) has been shown to be an important molecule in T cell signaling. The inventions described and claimed in this patent application illustrate a new supportive role for LAT which may be harnessed to improve a patient's immune response to tumor-associated antigens.

A number of approaches to improving the immune response in cancer immunotherapy have been investigated. One such approach is to be able to influence the potency of T Cell Signaling. This invention exploits the role of LAT in T Cell signaling and provides a means to create a more intense and effective T Cell response. This would have the end result of improving the overall response of a patient's immune system to the presence of tumor-associated antigens.

With T Cell signaling being important in the body's immune response to bacterial and viral antigens it may also be possible to harness the modified LAT molecules to improve the immune response in developing immunotherapy for infectious disease.

Competitive Advantages:

  • Enhanced T Cell Signaling should improve the overall effectiveness of immunotherapy producing a more robust patient response.

Commercial Applications:

Improve the overall response of a patient's immune system to tumor associated antigens.
Improve the overall response of a patient's immune system to bacterial associated antigens.
Improve the overall response of a patient's immune system to viral associated antigens.

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Susan Rucker
Senior Advisor For Intellectual Property Transactions
NIH Technology Transfer
Lawrence Samelson
Lakeshmi Balagopalan
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