Search Results - charles+egwuagu

3 Results Sort By:
Suppression Of Uveitis By A STAT3 Single Domain Antibody
Summary: The National Eye Institute seeks research co-development partners and/or licensees for a STAT3 antibody that can suppress uveitis. Description of Technology: Uveitis is caused by inflammation in the eye that causes pain and reduce vision in affected patients. Rates of uveitis in the United States occurs 1 in every 200 people with eye-related...
Published: 1/21/2025   |   Inventor(s): Charles Egwuagu, Sunanda Singh
Category(s): Application, Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Neurology, TherapeuticArea > Ear, Nose, & Throat, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Interleukin-27 Producing B-Cell Population and Uses Thereof
Summary: The National Eye Institute (NEI) seeks research co-development partners and/or licensees to advance the production and uses of interleukin-27 (IL-27) producing B-regulatory cell (i27-Breg) therapy for immune related autoimmune disorders. These disorders include but are not limited, to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), graft-versus-host...
Published: 12/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles Egwuagu, Jin Choi
Category(s): Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Neurology, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, TherapeuticArea > Ear, Nose, & Throat, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Ex-vivo Production of Regulatory B-Cells for Use in Auto-immune Diseases
Abstract: Regulatory B-cells (Breg) play an important role in reducing autoimmunity and reduced levels of these cells are implicated in etiology of several auto-inflammatory diseases. Despite their impact in many diseases, their physiological inducers are unknown.  Given that Bregs are a very rare B-cell, identifying factors that promote their development...
Published: 8/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles Egwuagu, Ren-Wi Wang, Chengrong Yu
Keywords(s): ARTHRITIS, B-CELL, COLITIS, EYE, Multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis
Category(s): Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Immunology
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