Search Results - natural+killer+t+cells

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In vitro Generation of an Autologous Thymic Organoid from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Abstract: The thymus is an integral part of the adaptive immune system as it generates T cells. Its function diminishes rapidly as the body ages, leading to a compromise of the immune system in the elderly. Reconstitution of adaptive immunity through mass production of different T cell types is therefore a therapeutic need in immunocompromised populations....
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Raul Sakoda, Nicholas Restifo
Keywords(s): Aging, IMMUNOCOMPROMISED, Immunotherapy, Natural Killer T Cells, NKT, Organogenesis, Organoid, Pluripotent Stem Cells, T Cells, THYMUS, Vizcardo
Category(s): Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Bile Acids and Other Agents that Modulate the Gut Microbiome for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
Abstract: Primary liver tumors and secondary hepatic malignancies are among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Liver metastases account for 95% of all hepatic cancers, and the liver is the most common site for organ metastasis in the body. The gut microbiome serves an important role in antitumor immunity regulating the efficacy of chemo- and...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tim Greten, Chi Ma
Keywords(s): Bile Acid, Greten, Liver cancer, Natural Killer T Cells, NKT cells
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Licensing
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