Search Results - tools

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Development of a Therapy for the Treatment of Zellweger Spectrum Disorder
This technology includes a method for selecting a therapeutic effective amount of one of two compounds (including naltriben and naltrin) for the treatment of Zellweger Spectrum Disorder (ZSD), or any disease associated with peroxisome dysfunction. The compounds were identified using a cell-image based high-content screening (HCS) assay to identify small...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Patricia Dranchak, James Inglese
Keywords(s): DEVELOP, DISORDER, Spectrum, THERAPY, TOOLS, treatment, VEXXXX, WIXXXX, WKXXXX, Zellweger
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Neurology, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Research Materials
M3 Muscarinic Receptor Knockout Mice (Chrm3 tm1Jwe) for the Study of Obesity and Other Metabolic Disorders
The five Muscarinic Acetylcholine (ACh) receptors are G-protein coupled receptors (M1R-M5R). M3 muscarinic ACh receptors are present in the central nervous system and the periphery. M3R knockout mice are viable and fertile, and have no major morphological abnormalities. They have a lean phenotype due to a combination of reduced caloric intake and...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jurgen Wess
Keywords(s): ACXXXX, AXXXXX, Discovery, DOUBLE, DRUG, Generation, ID1XXX, IDXXXX, IXXXXX, KnockoutKO, M1/M3, M1/M4, M2/M3, M2/M4, Mice:, MUSCARINIC, Novel, RECEPTOR, TOOLS
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics
RORgamma (RORC) Deficient Mice Which Are Useful for the Study of Lymph Node Organogenesis and Immune Responses
The retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma (RORgamma) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. NIH investigators used homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to generate mice in which the RORgamma gene was disrupted. RORgamma deficient mice lack peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches indicating that ROR expression...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Anton Jetten
Keywords(s): Autoimmune, DEFICIENT, Disease, IDXXXX, IMMUNE, IXXXXX, Mice, Responses, RORC, RORgamma, RXXXXX, TOOLS
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Collaboration Sought > Materials Available, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics
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