Search Results - 3d

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Enhanced Tissue Clearing Solution, Clearing-Enhanced 3D (Ce3D), Compatible with Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging
NIH immunologists have created a solution, Clearing-enhanced 3D (Ce3D), that can be used to make entire organs extremely transparent (top right panel). This allows the tissue to be imaged using advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques (bottom panel). Unlike current tissue clearing solutions, the Ce3D tissue clearing solution is robustly compatible...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Gerner, Weizhe Li, Ronald Germain
Keywords(s): 3D, AA3AXX, Ce3D:, Cellular, Clearing, Epitope, Fluorescence, histo-cytometry, IMAGING, imaging agent, Method, MICROSCOPY, REPORTER, Tissue
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration
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