Search Results - p-gp

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Radiotracers for Imaging P-glycoprotein Transporter Function
This invention offers technology to help treat certain brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's, and may lead to more effective and personalized treatments. P-glycoprotein transporter (P-gp) acts as a pump at the blood-brain barrier to exclude a wide range of xenobiotics (e.g., toxins, drugs, etc.) from the brain and is also expressed...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sami Zoghbi, Neva Lazarous, Robert Innis, Victor Pike
Keywords(s): AA3XXX, AAXXXX, ABXXXX, Alzheimer disease 1, Alzheimer disease 3, Alzheimer disease 4, Alzheimer disease type 1, Alzheimer disease type 4, Alzheimer disease, familial, type 3, AXXXXX, BBXXXX, BCXXXX, FUNCTION, IMAGING, Parkinson disease 2, Parkinson disease 3, Parkinson disease 9, Parkinson disease, juvenile, autosomal recessive, Patent Category - Chemistry, P-GP, Radiotracers, Vivo
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration
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