Search Results - thomas+eling

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Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to Detect a Pro-peptide Fragment of NSAID-activated Gene (NAG-1)/GDF15, a Protein Associated with Cancer
Chronic inflammation is clearly associated with an increase in the risk of cancer. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are well documented as agents that inhibit tumor growth and with long-term use can prevent tumor development. NSAID-activated gene (NAG-1), a unique member of the TGF-beta superfamily, is highly induced by NSAIDs and numerous...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Eling
Keywords(s): ANTIBODY, CC3AXX, CC3XXX, CCXXXX, CXXXXX, Detection, NAG-1/Gdf15, polyclonal, Pro-peptide, rabbit
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
NAG-1 Transgenic Mouse Model
The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene-1 (NAG-1) encodes a protein that has anti-inflammatory, proapoptotic, and antitumor properties. It plays a pivotal role in antitumorigenesis induced by chemopreventive compounds. Transgenic mice expressing human NAG-1 have been developed by the NIH investigator and collaborator. The NAG-1 transgenic...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Eling
Keywords(s): CC3XXX, CCXXXX, CXXXXX, Expressing, Gdf15/Nag-1/Mic-1, Human, Mice, RXXXXX, TRANSGENIC, Ubiquitously
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
NAG-1: A Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Related Gene Which Has Anti-Tumorigenic Properties
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory disease, and their anti-inflammatory effects are believed to result from their ability to inhibit the formation of prostaglandins by prostaglandin H synthase (COX). Two forms of prostaglandin H have been identified, COX-1 and COX-2. The former seems to...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Diaugustine, Baek Seung, Thomas Eling
Keywords(s): ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, Anti-Tumorigenic, CAXXXX, CBXXXX, CXXXXX, Diagnostics, DRUG, Duke DNA Project, GAXXXX, GBXXXX, Gene, GXXXXX, NAG-1, Non-Steroidal, Patent Category - Biotechnology, PROPERTIES, Protein, RELATED, screening, SECRETED, That, therapeutics
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
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