Search Results - warren+leonard

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Inhibition of T Cell Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) ex vivo Enhances the Anti-tumor Efficacy of Adoptive T Cell Therapy
Abstract: Adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) with tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), T cell receptor (TCR) and Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) engineered T cells, or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, is a promising new approach to cancer treatment. ACT harnesses an individual's adaptive immune system to fight against cancer, with fewer side-effects...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Warren Leonard, Dalton Hermans, Luca Gattinoni, Leonard Neckers
Keywords(s): act, Adoptive T Cell Therapy, CAR T Cells, CD8+ T Cells, Gattinoni, Interleukin-21, Lactate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor, LDH, Neckers, Preconditioning, TCR-engineered T Cells, TILS
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Therapeutics
Mouse Model of STAT5 for the Drug Screen and the Research of Cancer and Autoimmunity
The invention is a STAT5 mutant mouse that can be used in research related to cancer, autoimmunity and infectious diseases as well as drug screening. The mouse model itself has multiple immunological defects resulting in formation of STAT5 dimers but not tetramers. It reports that only a minority of IL-2-modulated genes is regulated by STAT5 tetramers....
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jian-xin Lin, Warren Leonard
Keywords(s): BINDING, CONSENSUS, Critical, DDXXXX, DXXXXX, FUNCTION, Identification, IMMUNE, motifs, Roles, STAT5, Tetramer, Tetramerization
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Research Materials
Treatment of Viral Infection by Blocking Interleukin-21
Blocking interleukin (IL-21) may be an effective method to treat or prevent various viral infections. In the course of an immune response to a virus, IL-21, produced primarily by CD4+ T cells, can inhibit or stimulate (regulate), immune cell function (B cells, T cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells). IL-21 regulation may be either protective...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rosanne Spolski, Warren Leonard
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Transgenic Human Interleukin-21 Mouse Model
Available for licensing is a mouse model that constitutively expresses human interleukin-21 (IL-21). Traditionally, human IL-21 transgenic mouse models are difficult to produce as those with high IL-21 levels exhibit growth retardation and die before sexual maturity. The investigators generated transgenic mice that express human IL-21, which can stimulate...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Katsutoshi Ozaki, Warren Leonard
Keywords(s): AC5XXX, ACXXXX, AXXXXX, CCXXXX, CXXXXX, IDXXXX, IL-21, INTERLEUKIN, interleukin 21, IXXXXX, Mice, Mouse, Mouse animal model, mouse model, TRANSGENIC
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Application > Therapeutics
Method for Inducing T-Cell Proliferation
This technology relates to the use of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) to induce CD4+ T cell proliferation. This proliferation could be of particular relevance for patients in whom this cell population has been significantly reduced by HIV/AIDS or other conditions resulting in immunodeficiency. The proliferation of isolated CD4+ T cells can be...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Warren Leonard
Keywords(s): DBXXXX, DXXXXX, Hyper IgM syndrome, Immunodeficiency 2, Immunodeficiency 4, Immunodeficiency-3, Severe combined immunodeficiency, x-linked, Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
IL-21 Critically Regulates Immunoglobulin Production
The invention includes a mouse in which the IL-21 receptor gene is disrupted by homologous recombination, the disruption being sufficient to prevent expression of the IL-21 receptor and thus to inhibit the action of IL-21. The invention also includes a mouse in which both the IL-21 receptor gene and the IL-4 gene are simultaneously disrupted in fashions...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Warren Leonard, Katsutoshi Ozaki, Rosanne Spolski
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Research Materials, Application > Therapeutics
Method Of Identifying Inhibitors Of The Jak-STAT Signal Transduction Pathway
The invention provides identification methods for agents which inhibit the Jak-STAT signaling transduction pathway. Drugs identified by these methods are candidates for the treatment of proliferative disorders dependent on the Jak-STAT pathway, including those caused by HTLV-1. In addition, such agents may be potent immunosuppressive drugs with potential...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Warren Leonard
Keywords(s): HTLV-1, HTLV-2, HTLV-3, Human T Cell Leukemia Virus 1, Human T-cell leukemia viruses type 2, Human T-lymphotropic virus type 3, IBXXXX, ICXXXX, IXXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics
Methods for Diagnoses and Treatment of XSCID
The invention provides a method of diagnosing X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID) in males or determining whether females are carriers. This method is based upon the presence of either a mutated or truncated IL-2Rgamma gene. The invention also discloses a method of treating XSCID as well as a method for monitoring the therapy. Lastly,...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Warren Leonard, Masayuki Noguchi, Wesley Mcbride
Keywords(s): Hyper IgM syndrome, IA3XXX, IAXXXX, IB3XXX, IBXXXX, ICXXXX, Immunodeficiency 2, Immunodeficiency 4, Immunodeficiency-3, IXXXXX, Severe combined immunodeficiency, Severe combined immunodeficiency, x-linked, Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Immunology
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