Search Results - transferrable

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Development of a Transferrable Norwalk Virus Epitope and Detector Monoclonal Antibody
Noroviruses are now recognized as the major cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in all age groups, and efforts are underway to develop an effective vaccine. The lack of a robust cell culture system for human noroviruses has complicated vaccine development. Hence, norovirus virus like particles (VLPs) have played an important role in the understanding...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stanislav Sosnovtsev, Karin Bok, Carlos Sandoval-Jaime, Eugenio Abente, Gabriel Parra Gonzalez, Lisbeth Kim Green
Keywords(s): ANTIBODY, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DDXXXX, DETECTOR, DetectorMonoclonal, Development, DEXXXX, DXXXXX, Epitope, Listed LPM Fenn as of 4/15/2015, monoclonal, NORWALK, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Transferrable, virus, VLXXXX, WBXXXX, WIXXXX, XAXXXX, YCXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, Application > Diagnostics, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
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