Search Results - da4xxx

69 Results Sort By:
Mononegavirales Vectors Expressing Chimeric Antigens
Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues to be the leading viral cause of severe acute lower respiratory tract disease in infants and children worldwide, and also is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. A licensed vaccine or antiviral drug suitable for routine use remains unavailable. This invention relates to the use...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Linda Brock, Ursula Buchholz, Peter Collins, Shirin Munir
Keywords(s): Added, Attenuated, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DC5BXX, DC5XXX, DCXXXX, DD1XXX, DDXXXX, DEXXXX, DXXXXX, Expressing, F, Fusion, Gene, Highly, Human, Immunogenic, Macaques, MPV, Murine, PNEUMONIA, Protein, respiratory, RHESUS, RSV, Syncytial, virus
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Vaccines, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Improved Live-Attenuated Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Bearing Codon-Pair Deoptimized NS1, NS2, N, P, M and SH Genes and Additional Point Mutations in the P Gene
RSV is the most important viral agent of severe respiratory disease in infants and young children worldwide and also causes substantial morbidity and mortality in older adults. RSV is estimated to cause more than 33 million lower respiratory tract illnesses, three million hospitalizations, and nearly 200,000 childhood deaths worldwide annually, with...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Cyril Le Nouen, Ursula Buchholz, Peter Collins
Keywords(s): ADDITIONAL, BEARING, Codonpair, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DC5BXX, DC5XXX, DCXXXX, DDXXXX, Deoptimized, DXXXXX, GENES, Improved, Live-Attenuated, M, Mutations, N, NS1, NS2, P, Pgene, POINT, respiratory, RSV, SH, Syncytial, Vaccine, virus
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Vaccines, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Reducing Bloodstream Neutrophils as a Treatment for Lung Infection and Inflammation
During lung infection, bloodstream neutrophils (PMNs) responding to infection travel to the airspace lumen. Although successful arrival of microbicidal PMNs to the airspace is essential for host defense against inhaled pathogens, excessive accumulation of PMNs in the lung contributes to the pathogenesis of several prevalent lung disorders, including...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Carmen Williams, Wan-Chi Lin, Michael Fessler
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
Real-Time PCR Assay for HIV-1 Subtype Diagnosis and Global Surveillance of Drug Resistance
CDC researchers have developed a patented set of RT-PCR and sequencing primers based on HIV-1 group M sequences. Evaluation of the primers using samples collected around the world demonstrated broad detection capacity for multiple HIV-1 group subtypes and predominant circulating recombinant forms. Commercially available HIV-1 drug resistance (HIVDR)...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Joshua Devos, Nicholas Wagar, Zhiyong Zhou, Chunfu Yang
Keywords(s): AIDS, assay, blood-borne, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, CGH-DGHA, DA4AXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DEVELOPING, Diagnosis, diagnostic, DRUG, drug resistance, drug resistant, DXXXXX, EMERGING, EPIDEMIOLOGIC, Genotype, Genotyping, Global, HIV, HIV-1, Listed LPM Houze as of 4/15/2015, PCR, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Resistance, RESISTANT, RT-PCR, Surveillance, therapeutic, tropical, viral, virus
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Diagnostics
Mononegavirales Vectors expressing Chimeric Antigens
Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues to be the leading viral cause of severe acute lower respiratory tract disease in infants and children worldwide. A licensed vaccine or antiviral drug suitable for routine use remains unavailable. This invention relates to the use of murine pneumonia virus (MPV), a virus to which humans normally are not...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Collins, Ursula Buchholz, Linda Brock, Shirin Munir
Keywords(s): Added, Attenuated, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DC5BXX, DC5XXX, DCXXXX, DD1XXX, DDXXXX, DEXXXX, DXXXXX, Expressing, F, Fusion, Gene, Highly, Human, Immunogenic, Macaques, MPV, Murine, PNEUMONIA, Protein, respiratory, RHESUS, RSV, Syncytial, virus
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Research Materials, Application > Vaccines, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Rapid Detection of Rabies and Other Lyssaviruses
Rabies occurs in more than 150 countries and territories, resulting in at least 55,000 human deaths per year worldwide according to World Health Organization estimates. Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease caused by numerous lyssaviruses that are found in a variety of animal species throughout the world. Rabies virus infects the central nervous...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yu Li
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Occupational Safety and Health, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Consumer Products, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Research Materials, Application > Diagnostics
Development of a Transferrable Norwalk Virus Epitope and Detector Monoclonal Antibody
Noroviruses are now recognized as the major cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in all age groups, and efforts are underway to develop an effective vaccine. The lack of a robust cell culture system for human noroviruses has complicated vaccine development. Hence, norovirus virus like particles (VLPs) have played an important role in the understanding...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stanislav Sosnovtsev, Karin Bok, Carlos Sandoval-Jaime, Eugenio Abente, Gabriel Parra Gonzalez, Lisbeth Kim Green
Keywords(s): ANTIBODY, DA4BXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DDXXXX, DETECTOR, DetectorMonoclonal, Development, DEXXXX, DXXXXX, Epitope, Listed LPM Fenn as of 4/15/2015, monoclonal, NORWALK, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Transferrable, virus, VLXXXX, WBXXXX, WIXXXX, XAXXXX, YCXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, Application > Diagnostics, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Monoclonal Antibodies to the HIV-1 Core Protein p24
The core proteins of HIV-1 are secreted into the environment during replication in the human body. The detection of the core protein p24 (molecular mass of 24 kilodaltons) serves as an indicator of early HIV-1 infection, and assays detecting it have been available since the late 1980s. However, the development of a rapid assay for the detection of HIV-1...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chou-Pong Pau, Shon Nguyen, Susan Wells, Sherry Owen, Jason Goldstein, Dennis Bagarozzi, Timothy Granade
Keywords(s): antibodies, Core, DA4XXX, DDXXXX, HIV-1, Listed LPM Houze as of 4/15/2015, monoclonal, NCHHSTP-DHAP, P24, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Protein, VLXXXX, WBXXXX, WIXXXX, XAXXXX, XHXXXX, YBXXXX, YFXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Research Materials, ResearchProducts > Research Equipment
Real-time RT-PCR assay for Detection of Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine for A and B Viruses
Upon intranasal vaccination, live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) viruses may replicate within the nose for several days. Current clinical diagnostic tests cannot distinguish between LAIV viruses and multiple influenza viruses in recently inoculated patients that present with respiratory symptoms. This poses a problem for the diagnosis and treatment...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Lindstrom, Kai-Hui Wu, LaShondra Berman, Christine Warnes, Bo Shu
Keywords(s): assay, Assays., Attenuated, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, CDCRM, DA4XXX, Detection, Human, Including, INFLUENZA, LAIV, LAIV-A, LAIV-B, Listed LPM Surabian as of 4/15/2015, Live, NCIRD-ID, PCR, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, REAL-TIME, respiratory, RT-PCR, SPECIMENS, States., United, Vaccine, Viruses, VLXXXX, WBXXXX, WIXXXX, XEXXXX, XHXXXX, YDXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Therapeutics, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Research Materials, ResearchProducts > Research Equipment
Rapid Method for the Detection of Antigen-Specific Antibodies in Any Species
Currently available identification methods for antigen-specific antibodies require live pathogens, antisera (that are only available for a limited number of species), and species-specific secondary antibodies (also a limited resource). Thus, detection or surveillance of pathogens in wild avian species or zoo animals, for example, is complex and cumbersome. Researchers...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alison Basile
Keywords(s): antibodies, ANTIGEN-SPECIFIC, Biological, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, DA1XXX, DA3XXX, DA4XXX, DAXXXX, DDXXXX, Detection, Listed LPM Houze as of 4/15/2015, Method, OID-NCEZID-DVBD, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, SAMPLES, VJXXXX, VKXXXX, VLXXXX, VOXXXX, WBXXXX, WIXXXX, WMXXXX, XAXXXX, XCXXXX, XHXXXX, YBXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Consumer Products, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, ResearchProducts > Research Equipment, Application > Diagnostics, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Research Materials
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