Search Results - factor

10 Results Sort By:
Prematurely-Graying Mouse Line Demonstrates Regulation of Melanocyte Stem Cell Development by SOX10 (Sry-Related HMG-Box) Transcription Factor for Use in Regenerative Medicine
This technology includes transgenic mice to be used in the study of melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) for utilization in regenerative medicine. Using the melanocyte system as a model, we investigated establishment of MSCs in the hair bulge - the stem cell compartment of the hair. During embryogenesis, all melanoblasts express SOX10, but this expression is...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Melissa Harris, William ("Bill") Pavan
Keywords(s): Cell, Demonstrates, Development, factor, HMG-Box, Line, Listed LPM Maddox as of 4/15/2015, Melanocyte, Mouse, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Prematurely-Graying, REGULATION, RXXXXX, SOX10, Sry-Related, Stem, transcription, VPXXXX, WIXXXX, XEXXXX
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, TherapeuticArea > Dental, TherapeuticArea > Endocrinology, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, TherapeuticArea > Cardiology, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Ophthalmology, Application > Therapeutics
Edema Factor Adenylate Cyclase Variants Having Potencies That Are Highly Dependent On the N-end Rule
B. anthracis strains BH480; plasmids encoding anthrax edema factor (EF) variants pSJ136EFOS, pSJ 136EFA and pSJ 136EFR.
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Clinton Leysath, Stephen Leppla
Keywords(s): ADENYLATE, Are, CYCLASE, DD1XXX, Dependent, Edema, factor, Having, Highly, Highlydependent, Listed LPM Soukas as of 4/15/2015, N-END, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Potencies, Pre LPM working set 20150418, RM, RULE, That, VARIANTS, WIXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease
Amino Acid Substitutions Mutants of Anthrax Protective Antigen, Lethal Factor, and Edema Factor
Anthrax toxin proteins available for licensing. Bacillus anthracis hosts containing plasmids expressing the following proteins are available. (Host strains are generally BH480, or sometimes BH460. Modest amounts of purified proteins (10-50 mg) could also be provided): PA. Protective antigen, wild type PA-3M (PA D683A, L685E, Y688K) PA-3M Cys PA-U7 PA...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Leppla
Keywords(s): Acid, AMINO, Anthrax, ANTIGEN, Edema, factor, Lethal, Listed LPM Ano as of 4/15/2015, Mutants, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, Protective, RM, SUBSTITUTIONS, VJXXXX, WIXXXX
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Research Materials
Novel Epitopes of Bacillus anthracis Lethal Factor for Development of Diagnostics and Therapeutics
CDC researchers have characterized epitopes of Bacillus anthracis Lethal Factor (LF), a critical component of the B. anthracis lethal toxin. These epitopes may allow for development of therapeutics for the treatment or prevention of B. anthracis infection. They may also allow screening for B. anthracis LF in a sample and development of a peptide anthrax...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dennis Bagarozzi, Anne Boyer, Conrad Quinn, Jason Goldstein
Keywords(s): Activiating, Activity, Anthracis, Anthrax, AnthraxToxins, Bacillus, Biodefense, biosecurity, bioterrorism, Bioterrorist, CDC Docket Import, CDC Docket Import CDC Prosecuting, DA3XXX, DA5XXX, DAXXXX, DB3XXX, DB5XXX, DBXXXX, DC4XXX, DCXXXX, DXXXXX, Epitope, factor, INFECTIOUS, Lethal, MONITOR, MONITORING, Neutralize, Neutralizing, Region, REGULATING, SCREEN, screening, SERODIAGNOSIS, SERODIAGNOSTIC, Serologic, SEROLOGICAL, therapeutic, Therapeutic/Diagnostic, THERAPY, toxin, TOXIN-BINDING, Vaccine, VBXXXX, VETERINARY, Via, VJXXXX, VOXXXX, WAXXXX, WBXXXX, WFXXXX, WJXXXX, WKXXXX, WMXXXX, XAXXXX, XCXXXX, XHXXXX, YAXXXX, YBXXXX, Zoo, Zoonotic
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Vaccines, Application > Occupational Safety and Health, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Consumer Products, Application > Therapeutics, ResearchProducts > Research Equipment, TherapeuticArea > Immunology, Application > Research Materials, ResearchProducts > Antibodies, Application > Diagnostics
Fgfr4 Knockout Mouse Model for Respiratory System Studies
FGFR4 knockout: Lung alveoli fail to develop normally in double mutant with FGFR4 and FGFR3 knockouts. The fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (fgfr-4) gene was inactivated by targeted disruption and homozygous recombination to study its possible role in lung development. FGFR-4 is expressed in postnatal lung, and FGFR-4 null mice have no obvious abnormalities....
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chuxia Deng
Keywords(s): 4, factor, FGFR4, Fibroblast, Generation, Growth, IDXXXX, IXXXXX, Knockout, Mice, RECEPTOR
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Diagnostics, Application > Research Materials, Application > Therapeutics
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (Fgfr1) Conditional Knock Out Mouse
Scientists at NIDDK have developed a fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (Fgfr1) conditional knock out mouse. Fgfr1 is a member of the Fgfr family of transmembrane protein receptors with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Fgfr1 is important in multiple biological processes, including mesoderm induction and patterning, cell growth and migration, organ...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chuxia Deng
Keywords(s): 1, AC5XXX, ACXXXX, AXXXXX, Conditional, factor, FGFR1, Fibroblast, Growth, Knockout, Mice, RECEPTOR
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing
Mouse Model and Derived Cells That Hypersecrete Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF)
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent cells that can be cultured indefinitely, and maintain their capability to differentiate into all cell lineages. To maintain these cells as well as various types of related induced stem cells and progenitor cells in culture, Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs) are routinely used as feeder cells, largely to serve...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Perry Blackshear
Keywords(s): BAXXXX, CC3XXX, CCXXXX, Cells, CXXXXX, DERIVED, factor, HypersecreteLeukemia, INHIBITORY, Knock-in, LIF., Mice, RXXXXX, That
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, Application > Research Materials, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, ResearchProducts > Animal Models
A New Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human Microphthalmia Transcription Factor (MITF)
Micropthalmia Transcription Factor (MITF) plays an important role in melanocyte development and melanoma growth. MITF is important for embryonic development, regulating the generation of pigment cells and formation of melanomas and other tumors. MITF is made in various isoforms that may play unique roles for different organs during different developmental...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wen Fang Liu, Hideki Murakami, Heinz Arnheitter
Keywords(s): ANTIBODY, CANCER, CC2XXX, CCXXXX, CXXXXX, factor, Human, Microphthalmia, MITF, monoclonal, Mouse, RELATED, transcription
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Collaboration Sought > Materials Available, TherapeuticArea > Oncology, Application > Research Materials
A Nurr1-Knockout Mouse Model for Parkinson's Disease and Stem Cell Differentiation
The researchers have generated Nurr1-knockout mice via genomic locus inactivation using homologous recombination. Transcription factor Nurr1 is an obligatory factor for neurotransmitter dopamine biosynthesis in ventral midbrain. From a neurological and clinical perspective, it suggests an entirely new mechanism for dopamine depletion in a region where...
Published: 4/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vera Nikodem
Keywords(s): AC5XXX, ACXXXX, Affected, AS..., AXXXXX, BAXXXX, BIOSYNTHESIS, DIFFERENTIATION, Disease, Dopamine, DOPAMINERGIC, ESSENTIAL, factor, Midbrain, Neurons, NEUROTRANSMITTER, Nurr1, Obligatory, Parkinson disease 2, Parkinson disease 3, Parkinson disease 9, Parkinson disease, juvenile, autosomal recessive, Parkinsons, Region, TERMINAL, transcription, VENTRAL
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Collaboration Sought > Materials Available, ResearchProducts > Animal Models
Amelioration of Inflammatory Arthritis Targeting the Pre-ligand Assembly Domain (PLAD) of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptors
The invention relates to compositions of matter and methods for treating arthritis by modulating Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-alpha) signaling. TNF-alpha plays a key role in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases including rheumatoid and septic arthritis, and other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. TNF-alpha mediates its effects through receptors...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Lenardo, Francis Chan, Richard Siegel
Keywords(s): ASSEMBLY, BCXXXX, CB3AXX, CBXXXX, CC1XXX, CCXXXX, CXXXXX, Domain, factor, FAMILY, FUNCTION., Identification, Listed LPM Hastings as of 4/15/2015, Mediates, NECROSIS, Novel, Patent Category - Biotechnology, Post LPM Assignment Set 20150420, Pre LPM working set 20150418, PRE-LIGAND, RECEPTOR, SACGHS DNA Patent Initial Set, That, tumor
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Application > Research Materials, Application > Therapeutics, TherapeuticArea > Oncology
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